Local rentals are covered by our Car Club / Car Sharing Hire Excess Insurance. You can use it in your Country of Residence and there are no restrictions regarding proximity of use to your home address.
If You are renting a Vehicle for use within your Country of Residence and if you purchased Multi Trip (Plan B) Policy, You must also have at least 2 nights pre-booked accommodation in your Country of Residence.
If You are renting a Vehicle for use within your home country and if you purchased Daily coverage (Plan A) you are covered even if theft or damage occurs within 150km of your home provided that you are a resident of the EEA.
Multiple rentals are allowed as long as each rental will not exceed 45 consecutive days.
in event that You return the rental vehicle and pick up another rental vehicle during the 48 hours after you return the first rental vehicle, the new rental is not covered under this policy, unless the new rental occurs within more than 150km from the rental station where you left the first rental vehicle.
We encourage you to read our full guide about Car Rental Insurance in Europe to learn everything you need to know about European car rental insurance.